
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Ep. 9 - MK Morris
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
In today’s episode, Amanda sits down over her first ever Dark ‘n’ Stormy with writer, content creator, AD, and burrito enthusiast MK Morris (Baroness Von Sketch Show, The Next Step, Wishful Genies) to discuss mental health, where the left-over food from cooking shows ends up, and how there’s no such thing as wasted time. She is the creator of High Hallmark, a show about comedians getting high and watching Hallmark movies, and produces the monthly comedy show See You Next Tuesday at The Second City Toronto, with all proceeds going to the Redwood Women’s Shelter. While the show is currently on hiatus until it is safe to perform live again, MK encourages listeners to still consider donating to Redwood during this time (www.redwood.com), or donating to any charity that brings goodness into the world!
The Liquid Courage Podcast: insta @liquidcouragepodcast / twitter @liquidcpodcast / email podcastliquidcourage@gmail.com
MK Morris: @mk_morris
High Hallmark: @highhallmark
See You Next Tuesday: @seeyou_next_tuesday
The Redwood Women's Shelter: @theredwoodto
*Warning: This episode contains swearing.
**Note: This episode was recorded prior to May 25th 2020, and so the lack of acknowledgement or mention of the murder of George Flyod and the current Black Lives Matter movement is because these events had not yet taken place. However, police brutality and systemic racism against Black people in the States, and in Canada where I’m based out of, is not new. It’s not new to May 25th 2020. And so the lack of acknowledgement and initiative taken on my part around anti-racism prior to May 25th 2020 is a product of my own privilege and the blinders they allow me to have. I encourage you to explore and question what privileges you’re privy to, and what blinders you might have up as well. Please educate yourself, continue to educate yourself, take care of yourself, and take action. If you’re unsure where to start, I’ve compiled some resources in the link in my bio on Instagram @liquidcouragepodcast. If you’re still not sure where to start, send me a direct message and I’m more than happy to share the resources that have helped me so far. The stakes are much too high for any of us to actively choose ignorance.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Ep. 8 - Emma Carter
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
In today’s episode, Amanda sits down over a glass of sweet sparkling wine infused with hibiscus flowers with actor, writer, and Twitch streamer Emma Carter (Beck and Call) to discuss quantum physics, email chain personality tests, and why telling everyone about your UTI is so important. Based out of LA, she is the hilarious and kind Twitch streamer EmmzyPlays, and can be seen performing comedy at the Upright Citizen’s Brigade and the Groundlings theatre…once it’s safe again to do so!
The Liquid Courage Podcast: insta @liquidcouragepodcast / twitter @liquidcpodcast / email podcastliquidcourage@gmail.com
Emma Carter: insta @emmzy.c / twitch: @emmzyplays
*Warning: This episode contains swearing.
**Note: This episode was recorded prior to March 15th 2020 and, as such, does not reflect the current imperative social distancing measures due to COVID-19 nor does it acknowledge the unjust murder of George Floyd and the current Black Lives Matter movement.

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Ep. 7 - Rosh Abdullah
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
In today’s episode, Amanda sits down over some nourishing kombucha with comedian and improvisor Rosh Abdullah (Boys! Boys! Boys!, Really Big Kid, Bad Dog Theatre’s Featured Players Season 7) to discuss intersectionality, mental health, and being her own biggest fan. She is the co-host of the weekly, comedy podcast Boys! Boys! Boys! and her self-published poetry book Really Big Kid is available now on Amazon.
The Liquid Courage Podcast: insta @liquidcouragepodcast / twitter @liquidcpodcast / email podcastliquidcourage@gmail.com
Rosh Abdullah: @roshabdullah
Boys! Boys! Boys! Podcast: @boysboysboyspodcast
*Warning: This episode contains swearing.
**Note: This episode was recorded prior to March 15th 2020. #Staysafe
***Note: The show Yas Kween (referenced) has since changed its name to Mirchi Comedy.

Wednesday May 27, 2020
Ep. 6 - Susan Waycik
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
In today’s episode, Amanda sits down over some salt rimmed Palomas with producer and performer Susan Waycik (Artistic Director of Waycik Productions) to discuss queer representation, the importance of a good vacation, and how in high school she was basically Troy Bolton. She is the producer and host of the monthly comedy variety show The BFF Variety Hour, the creator and producer behind the monthly queer stand-up show Bi-Pandemonium, and a co-producer of the sex-positive comedy show Slut Parade, which recently had its sold-out show at The Royal Cinema in Toronto!
The Liquid Courage Podcast: insta @liquidcouragepodcast / twitter @liquidcpodcast / email podcastliquidcourage@gmail.com
Susan Waycik: insta @susanwaycik / twitter @susanwaycik
Waycik Productions: insta @waycikprod / facebook @waycikproductions / waycikproductions.com
*Warning: This episode contains swearing.
**Note: This episode was recorded prior to March 15th 2020. #StayHome and stay safe

Wednesday May 20, 2020
Ep. 5 - Connie Manfredi
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
In today’s episode, Amanda sits down over a chilled glass of grapefruit sparkling water (Perrier AND La Croix) with actor and comedian Connie Manfredi (She The People, FX’s Mrs. America, The Next Step) to discuss hustle culture, the relatability of jealously…oh, and whether Perrier, La Croix or Bubly make the best sparkling water! Typically you can see her performing live on the Second City, or on stages across Toronto, but while stuck indoors you can see her in FX’s new dramatic series Mrs. America.
The Liquid Courage Podcast: insta @liquidcouragepodcast / twitter @liquidcpodcast / email podcastliquidcourage@gmail.com
Connie Manfredi: @mancrediconnie
*Warning: This episode contains swearing.
**Note: This episode was recorded prior to March 15th 2020. #StayHome and stay safe