
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Ep. 4 - Cara Connors
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
In today’s episode, Amanda sits down over a cold glass of Vanilla Porter beer with comedian and writer Cara Connors (E!’s Dating No Filter, Just for Laughs, OUT TV Go’s Cara Takes Up Space) to discuss astro-charts, negative self-talk, and the moment she realized she was gay. Typically, you can catch her performing all over LA, but during this isolation you can check out her 90 Day Fiancé character impersonation videos on her Instagram account instead.
The Liquid Courage Podcast: insta @liquidcouragepodcast / twitter @liquidcpodcast / email podcastliquidcourage@gmail.com
Cara Connors: insta @caraconnscomedy / twitter @caraconnscomedy
*Warning: This episode includes swearing.
**Note: This episode was recorded prior to March 15th 2020. #StayHome and stay safe.

Wednesday May 06, 2020
Ep. 3 - Connie Wang
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
In today’s episode, Amanda sits down over a warm cup of herbal tea with actor and Goddess of Self Expression Connie Wang (Tokens, The Boys, May Flowers) to discuss what it means to live a fully expressed life, asking others for help, and her experience filming the award-winning series Tokens. Connie has been nominated for multiple awards for her lead performance in the series Tokens, which is available to watch at www.tokensoncall.com.
The Liquid Courage Podcast: insta @liquidcouragepodcast / twitter @liquidcpodcast / email podcastliquidcourage@gmail.com
Connie Wang: insta @conniewang_ / twitter @conniewang_
*Warning: This episode includes swearing.
**Note: This episode was recorded prior to March 15th 2020. #StayHome and stay safe.

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Ep. 2 - Amelia Rose Ritthaler
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
In today’s episode, Amanda sits down over a chilled vodka cran with comedienne and TV development intern Amelia Rose Ritthaler to discuss the pressure to be “nice” in Canada, using comedy to fit in, and I finally learn what the hell a finsta is! Hilariously candid both on-stage and off, Amelia is a constant reminder that being yourself always makes you the most interesting. Oh, and her Twitter “is fire”.
The Liquid Courage Podcast: insta @liquidcouragepodcast / twitter @liquidcpodcast / email podcastliquidcourage@gmail.com
Amelia Rose Ritthaler: insta @ameliaplease / twitter @ameliaritt
*Warning: This episode includes swearing.
**Note: This episode was recorded prior to March 15th 2020. #StayHome and stay safe.

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Ep. 1 - Lisa Gilroy
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
In today’s episode, Amanda sits down over a warm cup of almond milk, caramel latte with actor, writer, comedian Lisa Gilroy (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Drunk History) to discuss being starstruck, being in long-term relationships, and how the heck to pronounce Hygge. She is a mainstage performer on Harold Night at Upright Citizen’s Brigade LA, and you can check out her monthly solo show Dillweed at UCB LA…when it’s okay to go outside again.
The Liquid Courage Podcast: insta @liquidcouragepodcast / twitter @liquidcpodcast / email podcastliquidcourage@gmail.com
Lisa Gilroy: @thelisagilroy / www.lisagilroy.com
*Warning: This episode includes swearing.
**Note: This episode was recorded prior to March 15th 2020. #StayHome and stay safe.

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Liquid Courage Trailer
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Hey, I’m Amanda Pereira. I’m an actor, comedian, and creator based out of Toronto, Canada, and I get stuck in my head. A lot. I put a lot of pressure on myself, and if I can’t do something perfectly I don’t do it at all. I’ve wanted to start this podcast for years and I rewrote this description too many times to count. Admitting that feels scary because now I’m wondering if you’re surprised that I settled on this as the final product. See what I mean?
But I’m really tired of trying to be perfect and constantly doubting myself. Like, I need a nap. It’s makes me withdraw from the people around me and it feels impossible to make new friends. When I meet people, I’m so focused on only showing the parts of myself that I think they would like, that I might as well not even be there. This imposter syndrome is even worse when I’m around fellow actors and artists, which leaves me feeling like I “know” a ton of people in the acting and comedy community, without really knowing them at all. And damn does that ever feel lonely.
But this year I’m turning 30 years old, and enough is enough! Enter: The Liquid Courage Podcast…
Each week I will sit down with a different woman in the entertainment industry that I admire - that up until now I’ve felt inferior to and flawed in comparison - and finally have a truthful, one-on-one, candid conversation with them. Sound intimidating? Uh, yeah! So, in each episode my guest and I will enjoy their favourite drink (some liquid courage!) to help me get out of my head and finally ask these women the questions I’ve always wanted to.
The Liquid Courage Podcast
Insta: @liquidcouragepodcast
Twitter: @liquidcpodcast
Email: podcastliquidcourage@gmail.com